Signs Your Website Needs an SEO Audit
What is an SEO audit? Why is it important?
Also, this overview allows you to establish a roadmap to seize opportunities and reach a new audience.
The SEO audit should always be easy to understand. The analysis should reveal why the implemented strategy is not working and is not achieving the goals set.
If done right, SEO can drive a 14.6% conversion rate
8 Signs Your Site Needs an SEO Audit
Declining organic user traffic
- Technical Issue (Site-Level) Manual Action: The graph shows a sharp drop in traffic that does not recover. The drop can be caused by technical issues that prevent Google from crawling, indexing, or displaying pages to users. A manual action penalized by Google can also generate traffic to drop.
- Technical Issue (Page-Level) Algorithmic changes, Disruption: The drop is less pronounced. The lower part of the graph oscillates before stabilizing. Google’s algorithm could be the cause of this situation. Sometimes updates can be detrimental and affect regular traffic. To solve this situation, you must adapt and update your SEO approach.
- Reporting glitch: In life nobody is perfect, and Google is not perfect. Sometimes it is possible that there is actually no problem with your website. But you notice a temporary drop in traffic. You will see a sudden drop in traffic, but it will go back up to its usual level after Google fixes the problem.
- Seasonality: If your graph shows recurring peaks, it may be that the organic traffic drops are due to seasonality. This means that your product or service experiences more demand at certain times of the year. To address this situation, plan a strategy that attacks the different demand levels.
If you are looking for the best agency to perform an SEO Website Audit, contact us right now.
Increase your sales and conquer new leads.
Incorrect positioning in search engines
Outdated SEO strategies
New website
Conversion rate decrease
Our Free SEO Audit Tool will guide you on how to optimize your page and fix your website’s SEO problems
Google Search Console shows errors
Presence of pages not found
Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first
Failed redirects, broken links, and/or No-follow
If you are looking for an effective and unique website, you have found the perfect company for it.
Boxmark is a leading Web Design Services Chicago.
Why does my website need an SEO audit?
- The strengths and opportunities to exploit.
- The errors to be corrected
- What does not work and must be improved
Forget about traffic drops and problems to sell, contact us, and boost your business with a Free SEO Audit. BoxMark Digital is your best option. Hundreds of satisfied customers are our best letter of introduction. Get close to the best specialists and take your business to the next level.