youtube advertising

Youtube Advertising

What does YouTube advertising look like in 2020?

For one, it’s one of the world’s biggest platforms for advertisers.

The numbers don’t lie. YouTube is also the second-biggest search engine after Google, with 1.9 billion monthly active users. 50 million of those users are content creators who upload 576,000 hours of video to YouTube every day.

You can set yourself apart from over 90 percent of U.S. businesses simply by creating a YouTube business account and getting started marketing on YouTube.

Youtube Video Ad Formats

People visit YouTube for video content, so it goes without saying that video ads are the most effective way to reach your audience and build a brand on the platform.

There are three video ad categories on YouTube:

1. TrueView ads
2. Non-skippable video ads
3. Bumper ads

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How To Set Up Video Ads On YouTube

Once you’ve uploaded your ad footage to YouTube, you’ll need to set up a campaign with a targeted audience for your youtube channel.

Target your video ads to reach a range of videos, channels, and sites relevant to topics of your choosing.

Tips for Optimizing Your AdWords for Video Ads

  • Define your metrics and goals: When analyzing the results, there are four main categories of metrics you can track for each video.
    • Views – Audience – Branding – Conversions
  • Create calls-to-actions: When promoting a video on YouTube, you can include call-to-action overlays that link to a URL
  • Qualify viewers: Sometimes, your ad will be seen by people who have no interest in your product. Encourage them to skip the ad if the content isn’t relevant

Best Practices For YouTube Ads

Now that you’re familiar with all the different YouTube ad types and the platform’s rules and regulations, it’s time to think about what you’re going to advertise on YouTube. Here’s a list of best practices to keep in mind.

  • Hook viewers with engaging, relevant content
  • Add a “Join” button to your YouTube channel
  • Optimize your videos for search
  • Publish content on a regular schedule
  • Stand out from your competitors
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