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Advantages of an SEO audit

Increasing your website traffic and transforming it into sales and new customers is possible thanks to a proper SEO audit. In other posts, we have already talked about what an SEO audit is and how to perform it. Now, we will mention which are the advantages that an SEO audit will bring to your website and digital business. If you want to get started right now, request a free SEO audit in Chicago.

To increase your leads and traffic to your website organically, it is essential to appear at the top of Google searches. That’s why it’s important to optimize your site with all SEO parameters. In this article, we will delve into all the advantages of an SEO audit.

Advantages of performing an SEO audit

Allows you to develop an optimal digital marketing strategy

A detailed review of your content will help you know what information is missing or, perhaps, what data you can omit. In the world of content marketing, keywords are everything. Therefore, by performing an audit you will be able to identify which keywords you should use to highlight your articles or your site’s content. 

An SEO audit will evaluate what important details we are omitting that prevent us from achieving a good ranking in search engines

Optimize the positioning of your website

Another advantage of the X-ray analysis of your website is the possibility to check for duplicate content. This action allows you to optimize to the maximum the presence of all the resources and pages contained on your site.

Through an SEO audit, you will be able to quickly evaluate and remedy those errors that prevent you from achieving a better position in search engines.

75% of searchers never click past the first page of results

If you are looking for the best agency to perform a FREE SEO AUDIT in Chicago, contact us right now.
Increase your sales and conquer new leads.

Attract organic traffic

The goal that every business owner seeks with an SEO audit is: Increase organic traffic.

After applying this analysis, you will be able to plan a good content marketing strategy. Also, focus your keywords, and optimize your website.

All these actions will allow you to attract more visitors to your site. Which will translate into a higher probability of sales.

Clarify the picture

Optimizing a website allows us to clarify the panorama. Also, observe too many elements of the page: semantics, links, usability, codes, and loading speed, among other factors that we have already seen.
Due to the great clarity that an SEO audit can bring, it is necessary to have defined what we want to project. And which audience we are going to approach. Also, SEO optimization must be under the marketing strategies of the project.

Create solutions

 An SEO audit goes beyond reporting on the elements that are right or wrong. This tool is able to clarify what are the next steps the project should take to optimize your website.
An SEO audit without improvement proposals or strategies to solve errors is a wasted audit.

What does an SEO audit contribute to the improvement of a website?

 Of course, it is possible to optimize a website little by little. But, why not do it from the beginning? Not optimizing your website from the beginning will represent more work and effort. That is why we recommend to all our clients optimize their websites from the very beginning. And, as time goes by, make improvements from time to time.
By performing an audit we will get a global analysis of the website. With this, we will get all the necessary guidelines to plan an adequate and accurate marketing strategy.
The points that we can find, in any SEO audit, we will divide into two blocks that we will see below:
  • On-Page Audit: Technical SEO aspects (indexability, WPO, sitemap, etc.) and contents (meta tags, headings, web architecture, keywords, etc.).
  • Off-page audit: All aspects that depend on external sites are analyzed (inbound links, authority, link profile, etc.).

Hire some SEO Services in Chicago today! Call us and get a Free SEO Audit in Chicago

The advantages of a well-performed SEO audit

More in detail, the factors offered by the big scan to our portal are the following:
  • Indexability: All aspects related to how Crawlers see the website.
  • Structure: It informs about the necessary elements for the web page to work.
  • Internal linking: How our website is linking internally and which pages are given more importance.
  • External linking: How our website is linking externally and if its behavior is natural or not.
  • Content: Examine whether the content is original, quality, and enough in each section of the site.
  • Loading speed: The web must load correctly to have a complete user experience, especially on mobile devices.
  • Penalties: A very important factor. Due to the constant updates of Google’s algorithm, we could have a penalty that has affected us.
  • Keyword research: Analysis of the keywords of the web to be positioned, depending on the quality and the searches they have.

The goal of an SEO audit

With the information, we will get a detailed profile of the elements that work well and the errors that exist.
 Once the picture is clear, we will be able to make a checklist with the necessary actions for improvement. Short and medium-term objectives will be set, depending on the importance or urgency.
From the final result of this task, you will establish a complete action plan that will allow you to improve the positioning of your website.

Why is it important to perform a periodic SEO audit?

Audience tastes, as well as Google’s parameters, vary from one day to the next. Thus, it is important to pay attention to your website’s SEO activity, as well as that of your competitors.
As we explained in our post What is an SEO audit, this detailed analysis is a process of reviewing your site to make sure everything is working as well as possible. An SEO audit should be able to identify:
  • The strengths and opportunities to take advantage of.
  • The mistakes that need to be corrected
  • What is not working and needs to be improved

If you are looking for the best agency to perform an SEO Website Audit, contact us right now.
Increase your sales and conquer new leads.

Types of SEO audits

Each SEO professional has its own method for conducting audits. But, there are different types of SEO audits that we will explain below.
  • SEO Content Audit: Improve the frequency, accuracy, and quality of on-page content to increase traffic.
  • On-page SEO Audit: Focuses on the backend elements of a page. This action will optimize these elements for search crawlers.
  • Off-Page SEO Audit: Reviews other pages and even other domains that link to the pages to be improved.
  • Technical SEO Audit: Examines image optimization and performance metrics such as site speed and security.
  • Local SEO Audit: This will help your business rank in local searches.

With our guides and tips, you will be able to perform an SEO audit of your website yourself. However, it is best to seek support from digital marketing experts.

If you want to perform an SEO audit in Chicago, BoxMark Digital is your best option. Hundreds of satisfied customers are our best letter of introduction. Approach the best specialists and take your business to the next level.

Contact us to boost your digital project.