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Small Business Website Benefits

Small Business Website Benefits

We know what you have strived for in your business. Today we bring some Small Business Website Benefits. Also, how important it is to you. Now, as illogical as this may seem, it is the best time to grow. We want to show you what is necessary to know How to Create a Small Business Website.

You Need to Register a Domain

The domain name is the “title” of the page. And the hosting is the storage and computing resources in which your website will be located. Once we have cleared up these two concepts, you will have you think of what will be the domain of your website. It may seem as an easy task, but it is important to choose well. You have to keep in mind that the name of your domain needs to be in sync with the name of your project or business. And you should verify that it is available to purchase.

Here are some tips to choose the right name for your website:

  • Easy to write and remember
  • Use the “.com” if possible
  • Your project is your main focus

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How to Create a Small Business Website

Choose the Right Hosting

The hosting is the storage where your website will be located. So, it is very important to choose a hosting that is trustworthy and reliable because our website’s performance will depend on it. Before choosing between one or another, we recommend you to ask your friends which is their hosting company and if they feel happy with their Customer Support. This will give you an idea on which to choose.

Get a Personalized Business Email Address

This will help make your business look more professional and established. Undoubtedly, you will need a personalized business email address.

Developing the right strategy

create a small business company

Though it may seem that when creating a website, the design of the page comes first, this is not true. We need to establish first certain questions in order to create a business website properly. First, you need to set your goals clear so your website will have a clear path to be design in.

Then, it is important to think about your public target. Through your website, this public will become into your lead, and then the client that will consume your products or services. The design of your website will depend on how well you know your public target, since the color of the page, the images that will be used and the tenure of the texts. This is why it is essential to know your public, so that they will identify with your website and business.

Structure and Objectives

Now that you know that is the goal of your website and who is its public target. You need to set up which will be the sections of your page. We recommend you start with these basic sections any webpage need to have: Home, About me, Services, Portfolio, Contact and Blog. Each of these individual pages will also have it own goals, that together will help you reach your main goal.

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Once all the previous steps are implemented, you can set your imagination flying.  WordPress’ themes are ideal for this. We definitely recommend working with WordPress web design.

When choosing a template, there are also certain standards you need to follow. First is that your template needs to be responsive. It has to adapt to any device your client is using. Also, you need to choose a template that can be personalized and edited so it will allow you to grow your website in time.

Add Content

Many companies need a blog. The advantage is that the blog can help you make your website pleasant and interesting. Also, it helps your site to work well with search engines.

How to Create a Small Business Website
How to Create a Small Business Website

Add Special Features and Functionality

Now is the time to make your website friendly. You can add useful functions such as forms, social networks integration, chats, google maps, and more.

Also, we recommend adding an online store. E-commerce websites are necessary for small business, due to the fact, it helps with company growth.

Optimize and Publish

We recommend optimizing your website so that it works efficiently with search engines. An efficient SEO will help your website to be found. Besides, it will position itself properly.

Hire a specialized Agency

We know that building a website is not such an easy job. For this reason, we recommend calling the experts. Hiring a team of people who are responsible for building your website is ideal. Hiring an agency can help you save time and money (yes, you will save money). Also, the team will create a website with texts, images, and designs adapted to your needs.

In a Chicago Web Design Firm, we offer you our services to design websites so that all the steps mentioned above will be in hands of an expert who will know how to optimize your page. The Website Design Company Chicago is your ally in turning your dream business website into reality.

If you want to know more about Small Business Website Benefits, contact us! We will be ready to help you.

Do you want your website to grow? Hire some Website Design in Chicago today! Call us and get a Free Website Audit.