Tips For a Successful Social Media Strategy
If you are familiar with any SEO services, you’ll for sure know about the importance and power of social media as part of your strategy. While some people might argue that social media does not directly contribute to SEO ranking, it is not entirely true. With social media, you can create links to share among the social platforms. And what does this achieve? Well, it will increase your brand exposure and enhance your brand reputation as well. So, it does have a positive impact on search ranking. This is why you need to build good marketing campaigns that involve the use of these media. Here we want to show you some Tips For a Successful Social Media Strategy and everywhere.
1. Put clear and realistic marketing goals
Let’s imagine that you want to start using social media to increase your business’ exposure. Then, what do you do? You begin posting on every social media you could think of. What type of content? Everything that comes to your mind that seems relevant to your industry.
So, you expect results, but you are not getting what you were looking for. What went wrong? Well, if you do not have clear and realistic marketing goals, it might be difficult to reach your objectives. It is important to be organized and to learn to post content that is really significant.
Only with goals, you can know, then, what is working and what is not working, these Tips For a Successful Social Media Strategy can tell you what to change and what to continue doing. Set goals into your strategy.
2. Post High-Quality Content
As explained before, if you post into social media any kind of content, this will not something give you the results you are expecting for. First, you need to have an objective. With that set, you should start thinking on the kind of content you want to share. You cannot share any content just because it seems ok. When you use social media, you are looking to enhance your brand reputation and to set yourself as a reference in the market. So, you need to post content that is relevant, interesting, informative and useful to your customers. By doing this, it will be easier to engage them to your business and to build a relationship with them. The kind of content that seems to engage more people in social media are videos, guides, infographics, contests, and so on. You can choose from any of them, or try to innovate, so, you can get the maximum attention from people.
3. Work in a team
You can try to manage all your work by yourself, or by you and another person. That means, you can start using SEO strategies to your webpage, implement changes on it, work on your social media, and so on.
But the truth is that if you want the things to be done right (or excellent), you need to create a well-trained team to manage everything, and to delegate. This includes any kind of social media marketing strategy you want to implement. There are many social media, and many things that involves them.
So, it cannot be done just by one or two people. As these media have many resources and tools, there must always be someone that monitors this. Of course, there is also “automation”, which means that there are some tools that can create content automatically. But this is not always a great choice, since customers tend to realize this. And this won’t generate a relationship between the company and the user. For this, it is better to have people who work in this, and to have a great teamwork.
4. Do regular posting
When you begin posting in social media, you need to be constant and post regularly. This is especially important when you just begin using social media for your marketing strategy. You may think that just posting once in a week is enough, but not. If what you are looking is for people to really engage to your business, you need dot post frequently. But this posting also depends on the social media you are working. There are some, like Twitter, that requires a more frequent posting than others. Likewise, not all social media are useful for your campaign. You need to assess which ones are working better for you and your business, and post more in them. You can even create an editorial calendar, so you can keep track of when you are posting.
5. Select your social media platforms wisely
With the popularization of the social media, there are many platforms available for you to be in. Just to mention some of them, we have Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, Tumblr, Qzone, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Medium, and more. Any of these social platforms can help you connect with your customers.
Plus, you can create awareness about your brand, and boost your leads and sales. So, as we’ve been saying, having a Local SEO in Chicago build you a good social media strategy is key.
But one truth that we want you to learn is that it is not necessary to be available on every social media. You might think that the more social media you are, the greater the exposure of your business is, so, more clients. However, what matters is the impact you create on the ones you choose to have. It is not quantity, but quality that matters. Just think that if you try to be on every social platform, but you don’t put the same effort in all of them, it won’t matter too much. You need to have a presence on all the social media that aligns with your goals and that you know will appeal to your target audience. So, check on those factors before joining one.
6. Humanize your brand
The more we dig into the digital world, the more we forget we are humans that also have emotions. It sometimes happens that these new social platforms have made it easier to communicate but extracting the emotion out of it, since it all seems to be automatized. That is a mistake. Our SEO Audit in Chicago have noticed that it is important too to “humanize your brand”, so you need to go beyond those digital screens. One of the main reasons why clients stay with you is because they feel deeply connected and have created a trustful relationship to you. With your new clients, you want the same. And these connections might take some time. So, you can feed it by showing your audience what is going on in your office, introducing your staff, and sharing those stores that can help them connect to your brand. Though it may not be some kind of ads or sales pitches, it will help you create long-lasting clients that will keep coming back to you.
Social Media needs an excellent strategy!
As it was explained, social media does play their part on the SEO ranking. While not a direct player, if used well, you can have excellent results that can boost your business and make it known and popular. This will definitely drive more users to your webpage. And the more users they are, the higher chances there is to have clients and customers.
Do you want your website to grow? Hire some Online Marketing Chicago today! Call us and get a Free Website Audit.